Server administration

This page is to be used a reference for common tasks in administration of an ISCAN server. The workflow for many of these are not currently as streamlined as they would ideally be.

Updating ISCAN and PolyglotDB

As ISCAN and PolyglotDB are both under active development, updating to the latest version is necessary to fix issues that crop up. To perform an update, run the command:

docker-compose run app update

Which will then fetch the latest changes from the GitHub repositories of both packages.

Getting a tutorial corpus

At the moment, ISCAN hosted on uses an aligned version of ICE-Canada corpus. However, this tutorial corpus is not distributable currently, so we plan to make another one based on a subset of LibriSpeech available in the near future. For the purpose of adding tutorial corpora for each user to run through tutorials, any smaller corpus aligned using the Montreal Forced Aligner will work once renamed to spade-tutorial and added to the system.

Adding new corpora

To add any new corpus, simply put its folder in the polyglot_source directory (see Mounted volumes for its location in the Docker installation). When not using Docker, this is configuration setting in the of the Django configuration (SOURCE_DATA_DIRECTORY in the non-Docker Installation).

Once the corpus is in the directory, performing a reload on the home page of the ISCAN server will update ISCAN’s records of databases and corpora. If the corpus does not use forced aligned TextGrids as transcripts, then the corpus format will have to be changed in the admin page (i.e. go to, select the corpus and select the appropriate supported format from the Input format dropdown).

Supported formats

The primary supported format is the output TextGrids from commonly used forced aligners:

In addition, the following formats are supported as well:

In regards to how the corpus should be structured, where possible files should be divided into speaker directories. If the force aligned TextGrid has speaker information (i.e., word and phone tiers for multiple speakers), this is not necessary.

Creating new users

User creation is currently the Django admin interface (i.e., In addition to specifying their username and password, you can also make them superusers through this page (giving them access to the admin site and all corpora/databases).

Modifying user permissions

More specific per-corpus permissions can be given to uses through the Django admin interface as well (i.e., When creating one of these, you can select the user, the corpus, and whether to grant the following permissions:

  • Can edit: allows the user to edit and correct aspects of the corpus data, such as acoustic measurements like pitch/formants/ tracks or time boundaries of segments/words (this functionality is currently not implemented in ISCAN)
  • Can annotate: allows the user to add their own annotations to linguistic items, within an annotation framework specified in the admin interface (this functionality isn’t fully featured yet, and has primarily only been implemented for annotating utterances)
  • Can view annotations: allow the user to see annotations in the corpus
  • Can listen: allows the user to play audio on the corpus detail page
  • Can view detail: allows the user access to the query detail view, otherwise the user can query but not see the full context of each result
  • Can enrich: allows the user to create/run/reset/delete enrichments
  • Can access database: allows the user to start/stop the database for this corpus

Reporting errors and issues

Some issues can be worked around in the admin interface. For instance, running an enrichment locks the corpus as busy, which can cause issues with rare exceptions during their running to cause the corpus to become locked. This busy status can be fixed by changing this property on the admin page for that corpus object.

Additionally, databases can be reset to their original non-imported state by deleting the database on the admin page for databases (i.e.,

If any issues are encountered, please post them along with the exception message found either in the runserver window or the celery window to the GitHub issues page.