Corpus View

The Corpus View is the first page a user sees after making a selection from the Corpora dropdown menu in the ISCAN banner (given that the corpus has been imported. See the ISCAN Tutorials for directions on importing.) This page provides an overview and summary of the selected corpus.


Linguistic Units

A linguistic unit can be an utterance, word, syllable, or phone.

  1. Utterance An utterance is (loosely) a group of sounds delimited by relatively long pauses on either side. This could be a clause, sentence, or phrase. Note that utterances need to be encoded before they appear in the Corpus View. See Enrichment View for information on encoding utterances.
  2. Word A word is a collection of phones that form a single meaningful element.
  3. Syllable A syllable is a unit of pronunciation having one vowel sound. Syllables must be encoded before they appear in the Corpus View. See Enrichment View for information on encoding syllables.
  4. Phone A phone is a single speech segment.

For each of the linguistic units, the Corpus View provides a summary of the encoded properties and subsets, and allows the user to begin a new query over that unit, or to view and continue editing previous queries.


This section includes only a button to bring the user to the Enrichment View, where databases can be enriched by encoding various elements. Usually, the database starts off with just words and phones, but by adding enrichments a diverse range of information will become available to the user for searching with the Query View.

note: This button will be available only to users with permission to enrich. See :ref:`administration` if a user does not have the correct permissions.


The right side bar of Corpus View summarizes any metadata available for the selected corpus.

  1. Speaker Properties Specifies the metadata properties known about the speakers of a corpus. These are taken from a speaker information metadata file which can be uploaded in the Enrichment View. This might include the name, gender, ethnicity, education level, and age of each speaker, among many other properties.
  2. Sound File Properties Specifies properties of the corpus sound files, such as the name, the duration, and the times that speech begins and ends for each file.
  3. Acoustic Tracks Specifies which tracks, if any, have been encoded.