Installation via Docker


Currently only Ubuntu is a supported and tested system. We hope to support other operating systems in the future, but please bear in mind that things may not work. If you are on Windows 10, you can install the Linux subsystem. ISCAN servers are known to run using the Bash shell in Windows 10, but the Docker does not work on the Linux subsystem for Windows. If this is the only option for you, please see Installation without using Docker.


Running analyses via script currently do not work with the docker installation. If you plan on writing/running automated scripts, rather than interacting with the data via the web interface, use the non-Dockerized version.


ISCAN server uses Docker. This containerization means that the only dependency the user must install is Docker itself.

Preparing Docker

First, install Docker for Ubuntu. It is easiest to install using the Install from repository method.

Next, complete Docker for Ubuntu’s postinstallation instructions. This will make it unnecessary to prepend Docker commands with sudo.

Then, install Docker Compose, the tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.


First, clone the iscan-spade-server repository to your machine:

git clone


Two files need to be updated for your specific machine. First, navigate to iscan-spade-server/iscan_server/settings and copy/rename the to and add your host’s IP address and domain name.

Second, if you would like to use the built-in simple HTTP server (nginx) using the production mode (see Development and Production modes for more details on the different modes), edit the iscan-spade-server/docker-utils/nginx/nginx.conf file. Update the server_name field to reflect your server’s IP address/domain name (as with the file above).


Included are a Dockerfile and a docker-compose.yml. In order to build a Docker image from these files, navigate to the root of the repository and run:

docker-compose build

Then, run:

docker-compose up

This will launch the containers.

Initial migrations

The first time you use iscan-spade-server, you will need to make database migrations. In another terminal, while the containers are up, run:

docker-compose run app init

The needed migrations to perform will be detected and made.

Superuser creation

The first time you use iscan-spade-server, you will need to set up a username and password to log in with. In another terminal, while the containers are up, run:

docker-compose run app python3 createsuperuser

This will begin a prompt that asks you for a username, email address, and password. Once you have filled them out, the prompt will close.

Then, you should be able to log in with your credentials. You should only need to perform this step once; from now on, whenever you start the server, you should be able to log in with your defined username and password. When finished, press Ctrl+C to end the current server run.

Development and Production modes

By default, running the build commands in Build will use the “production” environment.